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Posted: 5.15.2022 9:57:03
Requirements for the Design of a Ph.D. Thesis
The most responsible and important point is the strict adherence to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission in the design of the study. Here, details and https://www.paytowritepaper.com/ nuances should be taken into account: from punctuation marks to indents and spaces, the design of titles and body text, graphic and tabular materials, individual elements (title, table of contents, lists, etc.).
Rules for issuing a PhD dissertation
Design requirements can be divided into three blocks. First of them is main elements: title page, table of contents, lists, appendices. As a rule, the HAC details the main elements in relation to each of these sections, but at the same time, universities can be creative and “compose” them at their discretion, providing samples in the methodological recommendations.
The title page should reflect essential information about the study, the author, the university and the supervisor: the full name of the university (graduate school) indicating the department, the program being mastered, the type of research (Ph.D. thesis), the topic, information about the supervisor (degrees and title, regalia, position, full name), author (full name, degrees and titles, regalia), year and place (city) of protection.
Design of the title page of a PhD dissertation
The table of contents is intended to emphasize the structure and main content, the stages of the study, the observance of the main parameters: the proportionality of chapters and subparagraphs, the logic of the study, the presence of three main https://www.paytowritepaper.com/annotated-bibliography/ chapters (theory, analysis + experiment, approbation and recommendations - problem solving, etc.).
All involved primary sources are subject to mandatory reflection in the list of references, moreover, their number should be at least 60-100. The order of registration of the primary sources of the candidate''s dissertation: here it is important to take into account both the rules of direct and indirect speech when making citations, and the details: the sequence of data reflection in the list of references and footnotes, links.
Registration of quotations, direct and indirect speech in a Ph.D. thesis
All graphic materials must be clear, legible and understandable, have a heading and numbering. Please note that tables and graphs, https://www.paytowritepaper.com/research-paper/ figures cannot be transferred or divided into pages. All bulky files should be placed in the "Appendices" section, referring to them in the text. The order of registration of graphic data in the Ph.D. thesis is simple, yet effective.
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