 Forum Superstar Join Date: 6.11.2021 Posts: 788
Posted: 3.24.2022 8:26:11
GLARE-LESS Downlight by ENDO Lighting
One of the greatest gift of nature bestowed upon mankind is; the gift of light. However over the years, light pollution is having negative impacts on plant and animal physiology. Scientific studies have revealed that night-blooming flowers that depend on moths for pollination may be affected by artificial light.Get more news about Glareless Downlight,you can vist our website!
Humans also suffer from effects of glare on eyes. Health effects are not only due to over-illumination or excessive exposure of light, but also improper spectral composition of light. Aside of its ill-effects, artificial lighting is responsible for at least one-fourth of all electricity consumption worldwide.
Over illumination can constitute energy wastage; especially in upward directed lighting. Light pollution, which is the unintentional, misdirected or unwanted use of illumination, is commonplace all over the world. Unfortunately, due to poor quality, LED products light pollution is also seen in direct lighting in indoor spaces.
“Glare of light” has been an issue humans have been dealing with for years. There are three main categories of Glare; Blinding, Disabling and Uncomfortable.
Blinding glare can be compared to staring into the Sun. It can leave temporary or permanent vision deficiencies. Disability glare causes significant reduction in sight capabilities. Uncomfortable glare is annoying and it can cause fatigue if experienced over extended periods.
Endo lighting has a mission – to create new relationships between humans and light. And in the quest to provide pure or natural light, LED Research Centre of Endo Lighting conducts high quality product development, tests complying with domestic and international standards along with highly reliable quality assurance.